UP Public Service


  Find answers to questions regarding reporting public service projects/engagements in the UIS public service module here.




1. Who can report in the UIS public service online module?

All UP faculty, faculty-admin, administrative staff, and REPS regardless of status (permanent, UP contractual, COS, JO) will have the INDIVIDUAL public service module in their UIS accounts and can use the module as long as they have a UIS account.

—For permanent and UP contractual employees, the public service online module is in the UP Employee Self Service folder

—For JO/COS staff, the public service online module is in the UP ICS Self-Service folder

Only the heads of institutions/units/centers and department chairs have the INSTITUTIONAL public service module in their UIS accounts as of the moment. Only one representative per institution/unit/center/department can have the INSTITUTIONAL public service module in their UIS account.

2. Can another employee report a project on my behalf?

YES, if you are willing to share your UIS username and password. If another employee will report your public service engagement in his/her personal account, it will count as his/her public service engagement.

NO, if you are not willing to share your UIS username and password. You should be the one to report your public service engagements under the INDIVIDUAL public service module.

For institutional public service projects, YES, a team member can report the project on behalf of the team in the INSTITUTIONAL public service module. The team member must tag all members of the project, and the tagged members will receive a copy of the approved report in their personal UIS accounts.



3. I am involved in a project in my unit. Where should I report it (individual or institutional or both)?


Your involvement in the project should be reported in the INDIVIDUAL public service module

BUT, it should also be reported under the INSTITUTIONAL public service module since the project is part of an institutional public service by the unit. Only one representative in your unit should report the institutional public service project to avoid duplication.

4. I am involved in a project which is a collaboration between my unit/CU and another unit/CU. Where should I report it (individual or institutional or both)?

BOTH. It must be reported in the INDIVIDUAL and INSTITUTIONAL public service modules.

Your involvement in the project should be reported in the INDIVIDUAL module.

BUT, it should also be reported under the INSTITUTIONAL public service module since the project is part of an institutional public service. The team is expected to consult with their collaborators before reporting, that way each one will be informed that their public service project has been submitted.

i. The team must decide within themselves who will report the project on their behalf. Only one employee can report the project in the institutional public service module. The employee reporting must tag the team members of the project. Tagged employees will receive a copy of the approved report in their personal UIS accounts. We encourage that the employee reporting provides documentation of the involvement of the team members and offices involved in the attachment section.

ii. The institutional project will be reported in the unit/CU that was assigned to report in the INSTITUTIONAL public service module.



5. What public service projects should I report?

You can report projects that are considered public service by your Unit or initiatives which you think qualify as public service (this will undergo verification and approval, so just report). The System Committee will make an assessment of the submitted and approved Public Service Reports, and try to standardize initiatives, projects and programs which may be considered public service.

The purpose of the Online Module is not to limit what we could consider and report as public service, but to identify and consolidate what activities we consider or could consider, as public service engagements of the University. While we are guided by Section 3 (d) of the UP Charter on how the University shall lead as a public service university and the public service role of the University as stated in the creation of the UP Padayon Public Service Office, we still would like to assess what are the specific initiatives, projects and programs that we consider as public service so we can build the list of public service engagements of the University

Currently the following working definitions of public service are being used in the module:

—Extension programs – Services utilizing expertise and talent related to one’s discipline, outside instruction and research (e.g. non degree training, seminars, workshops, conferences, review classes, advisory/technical information services, exhibits, performances, networking, advocacy, Provision of service outside of course requirements)

—Volunteer service


—Scholarly and technical assistance to the government, the private sector, and civil society

—Specialized studies and technical assistance undertaken as part of research activities or contracted services

—Individual consultancy services by faculty members to the executive branch, judiciary or congress

—Free or paid services may also be considered as public service engagements for as long as the remuneration is within what is ethically acceptable.


Name: Juan Dela Cruz

Position: University Research Associate I

UP unit: UP Padayon Public Service Office, UP System

Public service engagement: Volunteered as Proctor-Examiner during UPCAT 2019 and UPCAT 2020

6. How about limited practice of profession? Is that public service?

If you think the engagement that you reported in the “limited practice of profession” is considered public service, you may report this in the public service online module. You may have to report the exact nature of the limited practice of profession and that will be reported as such.


Name: Juan Dela Cruz

Department: Department of Political Science

College: College of Social Sciences and Philosophy

CU: UP Diliman

Public service engagement: Contracted to do Policy Analysis for DILG

7. What is the difference between an individual and institutional public service?

Individual public service

—This is your personal public service engagement inside and outside of the University as a faculty/staff/REPS.


Name: Juan Dela Cruz

Position: University Research Associate I

UP unit: UP Padayon Public Service Office, UP System

Public service engagement: Resource person in DZUP 1602

Institutional public service

—These are public service engagements being implemented by any department/institution/center/unit inside UP, that is done regularly or upon request.


Name of Office: UP Padayon Public Service Office, UP System

Public service project: Colleges and Universities Public Service Conference

Frequency of implementation: Every 2 years

8. Should I report all my public service engagements in the module?

YES. We highly recommend that you report all of your public service engagements. This will help the UP System Committee on Public Service Monitoring and Reporting consolidate the University’s public service efforts and determine the status of the University’s public service engagements.

9. What is the reckoning period of the public service projects that should be reported in the UIS?

Public service engagements from 2018 – present should be reported in the UIS public service online module.

Public service engagements done before 2018 will be reported through data migration. UP Padayon will update the CUs regarding the data migration process.

10. Can I report ongoing projects?

YES. Ongoing and completed public service projects can be reported on the public service online module.

If you reported an ongoing project and it has already concluded, you must update your report in the online module. All updates will undergo the same process of approval.

11. Can I report project proposals?

NO. Only ongoing and completed projects should be reported in the public service online module.

This module is designed for the reporting of ongoing or completed public service projects and for the approval or verification of reported public service engagements, not approval of project proposals.



12. How can I access the public service online module?

Log in your username and password in the uis.up.edu.ph

Click the UP Employee Self Service folder/ICS self service

Click the Public Service folder

—Submit public service

—For submitting reporting

—Print approved public service

—This contains all individual public service projects you submitted and was approved.

—You may also print the approved reports individually in this section.

—Print masterlist

—This contains all approved submissions (individual and institutional public service engagements) that you are involved in.

—Projects that you were tagged in will also reflect in this section.

13. What kind of attachments should I submit in the public service module?


—Approved activity design/proposal

—Photos with caption

—Certificate of attendance/participation

—Other attachments that the approvers may require


—The module will ONLY accept non-editable files (e.g. PDF, JPEG, PNG)

—Maximum file size per upload is 8 MB

—Multiple transactions are allowed as long as the maximum file size per transaction is 25 MB

14. I only have one public service online module in my UIS account. Why is the institutional public service online module missing in my UIS account?

Only the heads of institutions/units/centers and department chairs have the institutional public service online module in their UIS accounts as of the moment. Only one representative per institution/unit/center/department can have the institutional public service online module in their UIS account.

15. Will I be notified in my UIS account if my involvement in an institutional public service project has already been submitted?

As of the moment, the UIS does not have a notification system for tagged faculty/staff in the institutional public service module. With this, the team is expected to consult with their collaborators before reporting. That way each one will be informed that their public service project has been submitted.

In addition, each team member has to report their involvement in the institutional public service project using the INDIVIDUAL public service module.

16. Where do I get my University Information System (UIS) account?

You may email UP Information Technology Development Center (UP ITDC) at [email protected]

17. Can I view the approved reports? Can I print approved reports?


Log in your username and password in the uis.up.edu.ph

Click the UP Employee Self Service folder/UP ICS Self Service folder

Click the Public Service folder

—Print approved public service

—This contains all individual public service projects you submitted and was approved. You may also print the approved reports individually in this section.

—Print masterlist

—This contains all approved submissions (individual and institutional public service engagements) that you are involved in.

—Projects that you were tagged in will also reflect in this section. You may also print the approved reports in a masterlist format.

18. Can HRDO generate reports from UIS on public service-related matters?

NO. Only individual faculty, administrative staff, REPS, and heads of units can submit and generate reports from their respective UIS accounts. In the event HRDO or any other UP office/department/institution/center/unit may need data on the status of public service engagements of the CU, HRDO must request the data from the employee or unit concerned.

19. The list of the approvers of my report is not updated

Kindly contact your CU HRDO.

20. My name, position, and CU is not updated in the UIS

Kindly contact your CU HRDO.

21. How will I know if my report is already approved?

You may check the worklist in the home page section of your UIS account. All activities related to your submission (approval, rejection, reassignment, etc.) will be reflected in the worklist.

If the activity in the worklist is clicked, it will disappear in the worklist and will be transferred to the archive section.



22. Why should I report my public service engagements in the UIS?

All UP faculty, faculty-admin, administrative staff, and REPS regardless of status can use their reported data in the UIS for purposes of promotion, application for grants/awards, and performance-based bonus. Likewise, the UP administration and its different units can use the data from the UIS for policy-making purposes related to public service.

Ongoing institutional public service projects submitted through the UIS public service online module will also be posted in the publicservice.up.edu.ph website to make it available to the public. This will inform the public which projects they can avail. It will also make UP’s public service initiatives more visible and accessible to the public.

23. Our CU already has a reporting system in place for public service projects. Should I still report my project in the UIS public service module?

YES. The goal of the UP System Committee on Public Service Monitoring and Reporting is to have a harmonized system of reporting public service engagements in the University, to easily determine the status of public service in UP.

CUs that have existing systems for reporting public service activities prior to the UIS PS Online Module, may eventually have to report their public service engagements in the UIS public service modules for a standardized system of collecting Public Service data across CUs. For other inquiries, kindly email the UP System Committee on Public Service Monitoring and Reporting member of your CU and cc UP Padayon Public Service Office.