BAGUIO City — The University of the Philippines Baguio Office of Counselling and Guidance organized a book launch event for the UP Baguio Psychosocial Crisis Management Protocol (PCMP) on 15 August.
The protocol is a comprehensive guide for establishing a policy for mental health crisis prevention, intervention, and postvention within the school setting. Following a strength-based approach, the protocol emphasizes the overall enhancement of mental health and psychosocial well-being.
During the discussion, Ms. Aurora P. Parcasio expressed gratitude to the people who have contributed to the project, and acknowledged the UP Medical Alumni Society in America (UPMASA) for their significant financial support.
The event was attended by representatives from UPMASA, the Department of Health, University of the Cordilleras, and Saint Louis University.
University of the Philippines Baguio. (2023, August 15). Launching of the UP Baguio Psychosocial Crisis Management Protocol. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=OfficialUPB&set=a.673351031496184