BAY, Laguna — The University of the Philippines Open University Ugnayan ng Pahinungód launched its Bata, Basa Reading Program (BBRP) to assist teachers and parents/guardians in improving the reading skills of K to 3 learners in their Mother Tongue and develop students’ appreciation for reading.
For the pilot implementation, fifty struggling readers from Grade 3 of Sto. Domingo Elementary School will participate in the program. Participating teachers and parents were given orientations on 29 August and 7 September, respectively.

Six UPOU employees from the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) and Office of Public Affairs (OPA) assisted in the program monitoring. The program will run from 11 September to 15 December.
Mina, C. Pahinungód UPOU launches Bata, Basa Reading Program. https://www.upou.edu.ph/news/pahinungod-upou-launches-bata-basa-reading-program/