The UP System Administration and various UP units and allied organizations showcased their disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) and climate change adaptation (CCA) initiatives in a fair held in the UP Quezon Hall Amphitheater on September 10, 2018.
The first “Katatagan” or resiliency fair featured exhibit and demonstration booths of: the UP Manila DRRM Committee, the UP Resilience Institute (UPRI) and Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (NOAH), Mu Sigma Fraternity, the UPD University Student Council, the Quezon City DRRM Office, the UP Diliman Emergency Response Team (DERT), Rice Watch Action Network, the Philippine Red Cross Quezon City Chapter, the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary, Up and Ready, and the UP Vanguard K9 Unit.
![Members of the UP Diliman Emergency Response Team demonstrate evacuation of a disaster victim. (Photo by Bong Arboleda, UP MPRO)](
![Coast Guard volunteers address inquiry of visitors of their booth. (Photo by Bong Arboleda, UP MPRO)](
![A booth addresses rice productivity in a time of climate change. (Photo by Bong Arboleda, UP MPRO)](
![Students flock to a booth on urban survival. (Photo by Bong Arboleda, UP MPRO)](
![A technology to purify water is demonstrated by medical volunteers. (Photo by Bong Arboleda, UP MPRO)](
![UP Vanguards exhibit its canine unit capabilities for disaster response. (Photo by Bong Arboleda, UP MPRO)](
“This is just the start of a series to make sure that the UP community is prepared for and safe from the challenges of forces of nature,” Prof. Jeanette Yasol-Naval, director of the fair organizer, Padayon Public Service Office, said.
![UP Padayon Public Service Office Director Jeanette Yasol-Naval closes the one-day event. (Photo by Bong Arboleda, UP MPRO)](
Dr. Alfredo Mahar Francisco Lagmay, who heads both UPRI and NOAH, and UP Regent Frederick Mikhail Farolan, a UP Vanguard, delivered keynote presentations. Lagmay challenged UP students to break out of complacency and actively prepare themselves to learn and lead in saving lives in times of disaster. Farolan encouraged students to contribute to CCA-DRRM by pursuing CCA-DRRM topics in their course research.
![Prof. Alfredo Mahar Francisco Lagmay of the UP Resilience Institute and UP NOAH updates the public on the system-wide efforts of UP toward disaster and climate change resiliency. (Photo by Bong Arboleda, UP MPRO)](
![UP Regent Frederick Mikhail Farolan, a UP Vanguard, cites UP's role as a leader in promoting CCA-DRRM through its functions of training, research, and public service. (Photo by Bong Arboleda, UP MPRO)](
They were followed by UP Diliman unit representatives who spoke of CCA-DRRM initiatives in their respective units, in terms of self-preparedness, research, and public service. They came from: the College of Engineering, College of Music, College of Education, Center for International Studies, College of Mass Communication, College of Social Work and Community Development, Department of Geography, National College of Public Administration and Governance, National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development, and the University Library.
![Prof. Nathaniel Diola reports on the College of Engineering's DRRM initiatives. (Photo by Bong Arboleda, UP MPRO)](
![A NOAH map of UP is presented by the UP Resilience Institute. (Photo by Bong Arboleda, UP MPRO)](
According to Executive Vice President Teodoro Herbosa, the institutionalization of resiliency in the University has gained much ground since the administration of Alfredo Pascual, harnessing University expertise in geo-sciences, health, and interdisciplinary culture. He cited: the establishment of the UP Padayon Public Service Office, UPRI, UP-NOAH, and CCA-DRRM centers in constituent universities; the publication of books; integration of CCA-DRRM in General Education and National Service Training Program courses; and, the conduct of conferences and fire and earthquake drills.
![Executive Vice President Teodoro Herbosa, a trauma doctor and former Health undersecretary, stresses UP's responsibilities on DRRM. (Photo by Bong Arboleda, UP MPRO)](
In a speech read by Assistant Vice President for Public Affairs Jose Wendell Capili, President Danilo Concepcion stressed the need to be resilient as a community and to help communities achieve resilience. UP Diliman Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Jerwin Agpaoa suggested inclusion of efforts for “pagpapatatag ng loob”, building fortitude in individuals.
![Students drop in to the fair the whole day. (Photo by Bong Arboleda, UP MPRO)](
The fair was attended mostly by students. Participants were given free food and water, information materials, first aid kits, and raffle prizes. Musikang Bayan, the UP Repertory Company, Mikrokosmos, Koyang Jess Santiago, and Joel Costa Malabanan performed musical numbers. Prof. Glecy Atienza and the Guro sa Sining ng Bayan Inc. performed their musical compositions on earthquakes.
![The UP Repertory Company presents a skit on a disaster-stricken family. (Photo by Bong Arboleda, UP MPRO)](
![Prof. Glecy Atienza and members of Guro sa Sining ng Bayan Inc. rouse the crowd with catchy songs on earthquakes. (Photo by Bong Arboleda, UP MPRO)](
The Padayon Public Service Office, under the Office of the Vice President for Public Affairs, co-organized the fair with: UP System offices UPRI and UP-NOAH; the UP Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs; Office of Initiatives for Culture and the Arts; University Student Council; Emergency Response Team and National Service Training Program; and, the UP Vanguard Inc.
Text and photo by UP Media and Public Relations Office (MPRO)