UPLB, DA-BAR conducts IKM Mentorship Program for bureau staff

| Written by Padayon UP

The University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) and DA-BAR conducted a training course on Communicating Agriculture and Fisheries for Inclusive and Sustainable Development (CAFSRISD) Program as part of the Information and Knowledge Management (IKM) Mentorship Program for the bureau staff. The training was held on 8-29 June 2022 via Zoom.

Through the UPLB-Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension (OVCRE) and in partnership with the College of Development Communication (CDC), the training aimed to improve the knowledge-sharing and dissemination of agricultural researches and technologies to various stakeholders.

Three modules with seven lessons focusing on the introduction to science communication, popularization of technical information, story telling, photography, and writing for online and social media were prepared.

UPLB vice chancellor for Research and Extension Dr. Nathaniel C. Bantayan, during the opening program, emphasized the importance of science communication, and how it is being shared to the Filipino farmers and fisherfolk. He is hopeful that the course would help information officers enhance their skills as they report research for development technologies.

Following his remarks, CDC dean Dr. Maria Stella C. Tirol shared her inspirational message.

“The program intends to capacitate individuals who are willing to promote science literacy, and that every individual could be a science communicator,” she said.

CDC professors Dr. Elaine DC. Llarena, Jyasmin M. Calub-Bautista, Dr. Edmund G. Centeno, and Reianne M. Quilloy served as resource speakers and mentors.

From the lectures, the 15 learner-participants from the bureau’s Knowledge Management Information Systems Division and Office of the Director produced a feature story brief, photo story, and infographics.

As the course ended, UPLB OVCRE and CDC organized a closing and testimonial ceremony for the DA-BAR staff on 29 June 2022.

“The capacity building of UPLB is part of the intensified efforts to pursue communicative strategies, and to capacitate the information officers and researchers. In addition, he expressed his gratitude to the UPLB team for their initiative in helping out the bureau when it comes to information dissemination,” DA-BAR director Dr. Junel B. Soriano said.

Three of the learner-participants shared their testimony—emphasizing the training as an opportunity to improve the bureau’s publications and materials, as well as evaluating its effectiveness to its intended stakeholders. Importance of knowing the goal, audience, and the science output that the researchers would want to share are among the key takeaways from the learner-participants.

From the training outputs, special awards were given to best feature story brief, photo story, and infographics.

To officially close, Dr. Centeno, on behalf of Dr. Llarena, expressed his gratitude to the learner-participants, and to the bureau as they were able to impart their expertise on science communication.

(This article, written by Diwa J. Velasquez, was first published in the Bureau of Agricultural Research Website on November 4, 2022)