
This training aims to strengthen the capacity of agricultural extension workers (AEWs) to further appreciate and apply climate decision support tools to reduce risks in agriculture. Specifically, participants will be exposed to climate forecasting and analysis, trained to input, process, and analyze data using the Decision Support System for Agro-technology Transfer (DSSAT) Model. They will also be able to prepare seasonal climate advisory.


Generally, the objective of CDRA is to conduct a climate and disaster risk assessment of a local government unit (e.g., municipality/city). This consists of identifying the different hazards and hazard-prone areas in the municipality, conducting climate impact chain analysis, and generating an exposure map of each of the five exposure units— population, natural resources, urban use, critical point facilities, and lifeline utilities). It also involves evaluating the adaptive capacities of the municipality, the formulation of the disaster risk assessment matrix, the assessment of disaster risks by evaluating the likelihood of occurrence and severity of consequence, and the recommendation of appropriate measures for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction.


This involves the development and production of major publications such as technical bulletins, books, catalogues, training manuals, pamphlets and leaflets on postharvest developments and horticulture. It also involves the creation of PowerPoint presentations for trainings, invitations or requests by other agencies, and briefing materials for visitors program and other events. Posters and/or streamers for exhibits and similar events, as well as popular articles on postharvest developments for newsletters, newspapers and magazines are also produced for promotion purposes.


The Institute of Plant Breeding (IPB) has been developing high-quality crop varieties for the past 40 years. It has also developed technologies that best serve its clients. The IPB Extension Program was designed to make sure that these varieties and technologies reach their intended beneficiaries.


The general objective of this service is to update and/or develop the Ecological Profile of the client municipality. This involves conducting a resource inventory and environmental scanning to identify availability of required data and information, including GIS-based maps, and collecting the required data for ecological profiling. It also involves characterizing the situation of the municipality in terms of environment and natural resources, population and social services, local economy, physical infrastructures, and local institutional capabilities. At the end, an Ecological Profile report is prepared.


This service aims to provide technical assistance on the formulation of the municipal/city and barangay DRRM plan. The DSDS already completed training on participatory community vulnerability assessment (PCVA) and DRRM plan with the Municipalities of Calauan and Famy in 2011 and 2013, respectively.


In partnership with the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD), this endeavor seeks to formulate an ECAN Resource Management Plan for client municipalities. This involves the conduct of a comprehensive profiling of the municipality, and the identification and analysis of existing and potential threats and opportunities present in the municipality. It seeks to recommend sustainable programs and projects for the management of ECAN zones in the municipality.