Mental health advocates play critical roles in responding to the MH concerns and coping needs of UP students. To help create a network of MH advocates for a healthy and nurturing UP, the UP Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Office of Student Financial Assistance (OVPAA-OSFA) is presenting Sandigan, Sandalan: Training and Advocacy programs for Mental Health.
One of the components of the Sandigan, Sandalan Project is the Training on Mental Health Promotion in the Teaching-Learning Environment for College Mental Health focal persons. College Mental Health Focal Persons are UP faculty members and Student Affairs staff who can advocate for MH care in classes and other teaching-learning contexts. The online training provides practical resources on MH promotion and forums where focal persons can interact with peers and invited experts. The training program will cover (1) Essentials of Mental Health, (2) Creating Supportive Teaching-Learning Environments, and (3) Action points to Address Psychosocial Concerns of UP students.