The National Corn-Based Farmer-Scientists Research, Development and Extension Training Program (FSTP) program is an integrative and holistic three-phase agricultural research, development and extension (RDE) methodology. It is primarily concerned with the development of appropriate values in farmers engaged in crops such as corn, rice, and vegetables, as well as animals, in a corn-based production system. It aims to help farmers adopt to more scientific and sustainable methods of farming.
One of its larger missions is to improve farmers’ income and their quality of life, to move them beyond poverty. It also seeks to give farmers, especially those in upland communities, direct contact with agricultural scientists who will help them develop their technical and scientific capabilities.
Duration / Date:
December 6-9, 2016
Target / Beneficiaries:
Cost of Participation:
Office in Charge:
The National Corn-Based Farmer-Scientists Research, Development and Extension Training Program (FSTP) of the Agricultural Systems Institute, College of Agriculture and Food Science (CAFS-UPLB)
Contact Details:
The Program Leader: Dr. Romulo G. Davide
The National Corn-based Farmer-Scientists RDE Training Program (FSTP)
Agricultural Systems Institute
College of Agriculture and Food Science
University of the Philippines Los Baños
Laguna 4031
Tel No: (049) 536-2458
Email: fstp.uplb@gmail.com