BANDUNG, Indonesia — The University of the Philippine Open University (UPOU) Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS) with the University of Padjadjaran (UNPAD) Faculty of Nursing (FON) conducted a scoping workshop on 15 June at UNPAD, Bandung, Indonesia. During the workshop, faculty members from both FMDS and FON indicated their interest in strengthening the partnership between both universities through academic and student exchange programs, and research publications and collaborations. 

ASIA RESEARCH NEWS — Analyses of fossils and sediments from Tam Pà Ling (“Cave of Monkeys” in Lao) by an international team of scientists—including a Filipino researcher formerly from the University of the Philippines (UP) and currently at the Flinders University Microarchaeology Laboratory in South Australia—has pushed back the time when we know our species, Homo sapiens, was present in Mainland Southeast Asia.