Mental health advocates play critical roles in responding to the MH concerns and coping needs of UP students. To help create a network of MH advocates for a healthy and nurturing UP, the UP Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Office of Student Financial Assistance (OVPAA-OSFA) is presenting Sandigan, Sandalan: Training and Advocacy programs for Mental Health.

One of the components of the Sandigan, Sandalan Project is the Training on Mental Health Promotion in the Teaching-Learning Environment for College Mental Health focal persons. College Mental Health Focal Persons are UP faculty members and Student Affairs staff who can advocate for MH care in classes and other teaching-learning contexts. The online training provides practical resources on MH promotion and forums where focal persons can interact with peers and invited experts. The training program will cover (1) Essentials of Mental Health, (2) Creating Supportive Teaching-Learning Environments, and (3) Action points to Address Psychosocial Concerns of UP students.

Since its inception in 1994 by former UP President and UPLB Chancellor Emil Q. Javier, the Ugnayan ng Pahinungod has worked to intensify public service and volunteerism in the culture of UP. Many Iskolar ng Bayan’s first foray into public service was through the Pahinungod after it was institutionalized in all UP constituent universities in 2001. While […]

Launched in December last year, IBR is handled by the RIIC member-agencies, which include the Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Science and Technology, Commission on Higher Education, Department of Information and Communications Technology, and Philippine Information Agency.

The academic institutions involved in the project are the University of the Philippines–Mindanao Campus and Ateneo de Davao University.

Lopez-led geothermal leader Energy Development Corporation (EDC) and the country’s premiere state-university, the University of the Philippines (UP), have formally continued its partnership as they inked the memorandum of agreement (MOA) for the expanded Biodiversity Conservation and Monitoring Program (BCMP) III on 29 January 2021.

The continued partnership between EDC and UP, which started more than a decade ago, was formally sealed in a ceremonial MOA signing via Zoom, led by EDC President and Chief Operating Officer Richard B. Tantoco and UP Diliman Chancellor Dr. Fidel R. Nemenzo.