As the nationwide quarantine countermeasure against COVID-19 reaches its seventh month, people throughout the country have been seeking more and more ways to de-stress through developing new hobbies. One activity that has recently gained popularity is the growing of plants. According to Kenneth Ngo, the man behind the Facebook page on gardening, The Succulent Haven by […]

Two students of the UPV College of Arts and Sciences were the initial recipients of laptops with WiFi connectivity during a simple ceremony held at the Iloilo City campus today, October 30, 2020. 

Carlyn Grace P. Ausmolo, and Pia Anne Marie S. Apsay, 2nd year and 3rd year BA Community Development, respectively, received the laptops from CAS Dean Ma. Severa Fe Katalbas and Associate Dean Nilo Araneta. The laptops were generated by the UPV-CAS Kaagapay Committee. 

The Faculty of Management and Development Studies (FMDS) Research and Publication Committee (RPC) held its first online Research Forum live-streamed via the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Networks on 22 October 2020, 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. 

The Research Forum featured selected studies of students from the different programs of UPOU FMDS. The studies cover a wide range of topics from student mobility in the ASEAN region, nursing work environment, public green spaces, health promotion, and status of research in higher education institutions (HEIs). 

UP Mindanao hosted the online forum and consultation on “Bridging the Health Care Gaps In Mindanao” on 14 October 2020 for some 96 or more public health personnel, guests, and university constituents who attended through teleconferencing and social media platforms. The forum consultation is part of the plan to establish a UP Mindanao College of Medicine.

Despite the pandemic, TLRC continues to perform its mandate to enhance teaching and learning experiences.  

This year, TLRC launched its Virtual and Remote Assistance in Learning (VI.R.A.L) Program. This program aims at providing learning assistance to students to cope with the demands of remote learning.

In celebration of the 31st National Statistics Month, UP Cebu’s Mathematics Program of the College of Science has organized a series of Webinars on Statistics to be held on 15, 16, 19, and 27 October 2020.

The webinar series will have resource speakers from UP Diliman’s School of Statistics, and chief officers from the Community Based Monitoring System Office.

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus in the campus, UPLB mobilizes a team that has been disinfecting campus buildings and facilities since March 17.

This team is led by Dr. Sheryl Yap, together with the staff of the Institute of Weed Science, Entomology and Plant Pathology of the College of Agriculture and Food Science (CAFS-IWEP), where she is the director.