
Public, private and government institutions of today operate in an environment characterized by intense competition, constant change and a strong customer focus. Considering today’s business environment, there is a strong need in all sectors and at all levels of the economy to apply engineering principles throughout the enterprise. The Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of the Philippines Los Baños recognized this as an opportunity to expand its horizons and networks and at the same time serve its core functions of research, instruction and extension. Thus in 2012, the MSEP was instituted. Several projects and services have since been offered to the university, and other public and private institutions.


The POPLAW program had its modest beginnings in 1977. A pilot project involving several grassroots organizations was conducted to develop awareness of the various human rights guaranteed by Philippine law as an instrument for the enforcement and implementation of human rights. It provides citizens with the basic knowledge of the law as an instrument for the enforcement and implementation of human rights, and it also acquaints them with the fundamental procedure of the judicial and administrative system. The program also aims to develop a sense of involvement in the efforts towards community and national developments


The Summer Institute in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics (SINSM) is an annual extension service of the College of Science that seeks to offer venues in which educators in the sciences and mathematics in the Cordillera region, as well as nearby areas, are updated on current scientific issues. Since 1990, the SINSM has trained and updated secondary and tertiary teachers on the latest developments in theory, applications and pedagogy. It has also provided refresher courses in the basic concepts in the fields of biology, mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, and geology.


This training course orients laboratory personnel from various sectors on the significance of microorganisms used as quality indicators and foodborne pathogens in public health, and their impact on the microbiological safety of foods. It also trains laboratory personnel in the principles and procedures for the following test methods: (a) Aerobic Plate Count (APC); (b) Coliform count and E. coli detection; and (c) Yeast and Mold Count and Salmonella detection.


This course orients the technical personnel of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) on basic microbiology and the relevance of microorganisms in the biosphere and the fields of geology and mining. It also trains MGB technical personnel in basic microbiological techniques relevant to mining operations.