BANGKOK, Thailand — Nutritional immunology expert Professor Dr. Rex Ferdinand M. Traifalgar of the Institute of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (CFOS-IA), UP Visayas delivered a plenary lecture during the 2nd International Conference for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Management (CCA-DRRM) held at Amari Don Muang Airport Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand from 29 May to 2 June.
Dr. Traifalgar’s talk is titled “Bioactive feed ingredients and supplements for aquaculture in challenging climatic conditions” focusing on the importance of sustainable bioactive feed production through biotechnology to alleviate the impacts of climate change. During the plenary lecture, Traifalgar noted that “Expectations are high for aquaculture to contribute a sustainable supply of food fish but currently, as the weather and climate undergo erratic changes, its impacts on aquaculture including the emergence of diseases, shortage of feed material and degradation of water resources threaten the sustainability and economic viability of this industry.”
Gallos, L. (2023, June 16). Traifalgar addresses science-based technological solutions for sustainable aquaculture in a changing climate in the 2nd int’l conference for CCA-DRRM. https://www.upv.edu.ph/index.php/news/traifalgar-addresses-science-based-technological-solutions-for-sustainable-aquaculture-in-a-changing-climate-in-the-2nd-int-l-conference-for-cca-drrm