The School of Environmental Science and Management (SESAM) co-organized a virtual symposium on Sept. 18 to provide experts a platform to discuss the Manila Bay dolomite project.

Of the speakers, two were UPLB professors – Dr. Rex Victor Cruz of the College of Forestry and Natural Resources and a former chancellor of UPLB, and Dr. Ma. Stella Tirol, dean of the College of Development Communication – who joined government officials and geologists at the virtual learning event.

  Please be informed that there have been reports of phishing attempts through emails posing as someone from the UP Kaagapay Project. The email masquerades as coming from “[email protected]”. The email might contain the attached file “HUMINGI NG PARA SA ALOK 09-09-2020·” DO NOT click this file or any other files and links provided in […]

The UP College of Arts and Letters Student Council (UP CAL-SC) recently launched a donation drive for UP Diliman (UPD) students in need of a stable internet access for remote learning.

“Kasama Ka Kaeskuwela” (KKK) was launched on Aug.31 to primarily aid CAL students who only rely on personal mobile data for remote learning when UP System classes begin on Sept. 10.

The Office of Student Affairs held the first-ever remote Orientation in the face of the new normal. Amidst the challenges brought by the pandemic, UPV still holds true to its virtue that “nobody should be left behind.” Despite the growing pains, this activity was conducted to ensure that the newest members of the UPV family, along with their parents, are given the necessary information about the university.

The webinar, “The Boon and Bane of Social Media” was hosted online via Zoom on August 5, 2020 that featured three important and highly relevant topics with speakers from UP Visayas.  These are ‘Responsible Use of Social Media’ by Prof. Lorenz Belanio of the College of Management; ‘The Legal Implications on the Use of Social Media,’ by Atty. Nellie Jo Regalado, UPV Legal Counsel; and ‘Be a Positive Influencer on Social Media’ by Prof. Jude Vincent Parcon, from the UPV Division of Humanities. 

UP Visayas is on board in the management of the oil spill crisis that has recently struck the Iloilo City and province as well as the province of Guimaras after a power barge operated by the energy arm of Filipino multinational company, Ayala Corporation, spilled nearly 270,000 litres of bunker fuel off the coast of Iloilo City on July 3, 2020.