“It is really a numbers game. The pandemic is really a war on logistics,” Lim said in a Stop COVID Deaths online seminar hosted by the University of the Philippines (UP).

For context, last Sept. 16, the country had 21,261 new cases of COVID 19. This brought the total confirmed cases to 2,304,192 with 177,946 active cases, 2,090,228 recoveries, and 36,018 deaths.

The University of the Philippines is holding a week-long virtual commemoration to honor Filipinos’ struggle under the Marcos regime as the country remembers the 49th year of the declaration of Martial Law.

Scholars of history and social sciences from UP and other universities, including those abroad, are teaming up with human rights activists “to set the record straight” on the myths surrounding the 14-year period and the Marcos regime itself.

Student developers from the University of the Philippines win big in the global Google Developer Student Clubs’ (DSC) 2021 Solution Challenge for their application called “Project Island Response and Intervention for Systematic Evacuation (i-RISE)” which aims to bridge the information gap between local government units, disaster risk management offices, and the island communities of Tubigon, Bohol using Google products.

Eighty-eight new freshies completed the UPLB Bridge Program (BP), an annual skills enhancement activity for mathematics and English aimed at bridging the gap between students’ high school exit skills and entry requirements in UP.

Held for three weeks, from Aug. 16 to Sept. 3, this is the second time for the BP to be conducted online by the Learning Resource Center (LRC), which also implemented the in-person program before the pandemic.

IN the effort to expand the coverage of Tuklas Lunas researches across the country considering the Philippines‘ rich biodiversity, the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DoST-PCHRD) funded the Discovery and Development of Health Products (DDHP) program, and one of its pioneer program is the Marine Component implemented by the University of the Philippines Diliman – Marine Science Institute. The […]

Findings by a team at the Division of Microbiology of the College of Arts and Sciences have opened a new research track that may yield a possible cancer treatment.

The team, led by Kristel Mae P. Oliveros, a faculty member at the Institute of Biological Sciences, has identified 30 bacteria from the soil samples of Mt. Mayon and isolated 13 that show antibiotic activity against pathogenic microorganisms.