The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) was recognized for its unwavering passion and dedication to community-based extension work during the recently concluded eLearning Forum Asia (eLFAsia) 2019. The event, which was held on 29-31 May 2019 at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand, served as a venue to advance knowledge of the use of information technology in teaching and learning in the Asian educational community.
POWER UP, a project of the UP Visayas Division of Professional Education, is a reflective-reflexive public service program for coastal communities in the region that aims to improve education systems through teacher-trainings with emphasis on culture of coastal communities.
Faculty members, students, alumni and former faculty members of the Division of Professional Education of UP Visayas distributed bags and school supplies and bags to 50 elementary pupils from Estancia, Iloilo and Cawayan Elementary School, Carles, Iloilo on May 30, 2019.
The successful spawning of Tridacna gigas, a species of giant clams, by the Malampaya Foundation, Inc. last June 10, 2019 was supervised by the UP Marine Sciences Institute using methods it has developed in its decades of research on the clam species.
The MLGP, which was initiated by the Department of Health Center for Health Development (DOH-CHD) Western Visayas together with the University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV) and Zuellig Family Foundation, trains municipalities on responding to different health challenges in the municipal levels.
As the illegal narcotics trade in the country continues to thrive, the University of the Philippines (UP) has stepped forward as a new and unlikely partner of President Duterte in his war on drugs.
On Monday, UP Manila inaugurated its state-of-the-art Drugs of Abuse Research Laboratory (DARL), which boasts technology that can identify and analyze so-called designer drugs, or those not previously known to the government.
A team from the University of the Philippines Diliman Institute of Biology are working to perfect a DNA barcoding system to identify pangolin species that are recovered from trafficking operations.
The Institute of Human Nutrition and Food (IHNF) has finally launched a clinic of its own – the Nutrition and Wellness Clinic.
The National Crop Protection Center of UPLB inaugurated the Plant Health Clinic which will diagnose plant pests and diseases and provide prescriptions and management options to solve plant health problems.
HOPE, or Health Orientation on Problems from Emotional Stress, a mental health awareness program of the UPLB Office of Student Affairs (OSA) through the initiative of the Counseling and Testing Division (CTD) held its fourth forum on Apr. 22 at the DL Umali Hall.