More than 400 first-year students experienced remote education in UP Visayas ahead of their peers as they took the Bridge Program in Mathematics and English held from August 26 to September 9, 2021. The program was conducted through the UPV Learning Management System (LMS).

The Teaching and Learning Resource Center, for 24 years now, has been collaborating with faculty members from the Division of Physical Sciences and Mathematics (DPSM) and the Division of Humanities (DH) to deliver an effective and enriching learning experience to incoming first-year students.

The UPLB Learning Resource Center (LRC) recently wrapped up its 6-month long webinar series entitled, “S.H.A.P.E. UP! Thursday: Shaping a Healthy, Active, Positive, and Energetic Life during Uncertain Times” webinar series. 

The sessions, aimed to promote healthy, energetic, and mindful habits during the COVID-19 pandemic, were streamed via Facebook Live.

As the extension service arm of the University of the Philippines Los Baños-School of Environmental Science and Management (UPLB-SESAM), the Continuing Education and Training Division (CETD) conducted a short online course on Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment (CDRA) via video conferencing on 25 to 28 October 2021. Sixty-seven trainees from different agencies and organizations, such as the academe (18), national government agencies (15), local government units (11), non-government organizations (6), private organizations (12), and others (3) have successfully completed the short course.  

A new waste to energy (WTE) facility at UPLB is set to expand sustainable waste management research in the University.

The new facility held its soft launching on Oct. 20, which is an output of the project entitled “Establishment of a 25kW Waste to Energy Facility via Direct Combustion process for Municipal Solid Waste.” It aims to explore the potential of WTE technology in moving towards energy independence and environment sustainability for the country.

To promote awareness on mental health concerns and provide intervention to combat these issues, the Office of Counseling and Guidance (OCG) is going to conduct the 5th university-wide forum on depression and suicide prevention entitled “Health Orientation on Problems from Emotional Stress (HOPE V).”

HOPE V, themed “Mental Health in an Unequal World,” is a 2-part webinar series that will be held via video conferencing and livestreamed on Facebook at 9 AM on Oct. 25 and 29.

UPLB’s “Sandigan, Sandalan” is an offshoot of “Sandigan, Sandalan: Training and Advocacy Programs for Mental Health” of the UP Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Office of Student Financial Assistance (OVPAA-OSFA).

It aims to equip students with knowledge and skills on peer mental health support and advocacy to contribute and uphold the welfare and well-being of their fellow students.

The UPLB School of Environmental Science and Management (UPLB SESAM), through its Continuing Education and Training Division (CETD), launched a new seminar series called “SESAM ExChanges: Environmental Challenges and Solutions.” 

The program, held on Sept 30 via video conferencing and Facebook live streaming, also served as a venue to launch another capacity building program of CETD that intends to attract greater public participation to promote environmental awareness and advocacy in the country.